Lovell Elementary School Big Horn County School District #2

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Pacer kids against bullying-


Bullying is always a topic that arises throughout the country and often times in the news. Bullying occurs in a covert hidden manner.  These acts are carried on out of sight and can happen as quickly as 10 seconds.   Bullying is when one person uses power in willful manner with the aim of hurting another individual repeatedly.  All children are the victims of occasional teasing, but some are repeatedly targeted.  Conflict is an inevitable part of interaction.  As children interact with friends, groups, and through social interaction, natural conflict will occur.


Bullying can occur in both an indirect and direct manner.  Boys tend to bully with aggressive tactics while girls tend to bully with social alienation and intimidation.  Bullying ranges from mild to moderate through physical aggression, social alienation, verbal aggression, intimidation, and cyber bullying.  By understanding the difference between normal conflict vs. bullying, parents can assist their students in finding quality solutions to the problem.


What is the difference between normal peer conflict vs. bullying?


Normal Peer Conflict


Equal power or friends

Imbalance of power; not friends

Happens occasionally

Repeated negative actions



Not serious

Serious with threat of physical or emotional harm

Equal emotional reaction

Strong emotional reaction from victim and little from bully

Not seeking power or attention

Seeking power, control, or material things

Not trying to get something

Attempt to gain material things or power

Remorse-will take responsibility

No remorse-blames victim

Effort to solve problem

No effort to solve problem


“Normal peer conflict is typically characterized by the developmental level of the children involved.  Aggression and hurtful remarks are part of conflict at all ages; they do not necessarily mean that a bully-victim problem exists p.5.”  However, bullying can be recognized by unique social interactions:

  1. Repetitive negative actions targeting a specific victim.
  2. An imbalance of power.
  3. Unequal levels of affect.

Parents can be a big help by understanding the difference between Normal Conflict vs. Bullying. 

Through this understanding parents can respond with less emotion and be more effective working through the problem with their child. 


Resource: Bully-Proofing Your School Normal Conflict vs. Bullying, P.5.